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The horror, the many small fragments of the almost monochrome
Gefällt mir 3 5
2020-03-03 15:11
So drop 9 I'll gather and go, then again continue
2020-03-03 18:20
The claim specifically to the picture. It is very difficult to collect when the fragments of the same color, and besides, more and blurred.
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2020-03-03 18:32
I agree, difficult
2020-03-03 18:39
Well, the people you at least warn that it's a tournament, please.
2020-03-04 15:41
I don't know I have a very solid fragments was a bit the picture is, of course, the move is not solved - it is necessary to sit, time to spend. but I would not call complicated
2020-03-04 14:25
Friends, please tell me , instead of the two puzzles blank white space, which nothing moved. Now all of the new?
Gefällt mir 3 10
2020-03-04 14:31
no, most likely you will not see try to zoom in on the page in a large size it is usually better notice the hidden puzzles peredelat the mouse suspicious squares, everything that can move is outlined with a red frame
2020-03-04 14:35
I still have more than half of this tournament monster left
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2020-03-04 14:39
2020-03-04 14:42
yeah, I see a glitch if you save and reload the page, it doesn't disappear?
2020-03-04 14:43
On the right edge of 2 things. Already increased, closed, opened, exited, turned off completely - does not help. Gone. And these places are not allow to put.
2020-03-04 14:50
I have in the lower corner of this box already assembled the dark maybe your have already collected, there can not be supplied, just for some reason white are:what and if you deliberate else, the puzzle will close, I don't know question to @Support
2020-03-04 15:12
I see you have at least two circuits are not in the right place! One for the sky and one to the right of the nut, which is next to the tree
2020-03-04 15:12
I'm afraid to upset You, but I was and collected again.
2020-03-04 15:18
I see a lot of parts not in their places , the whole left corner in the sky and at the bottom , with the upper white square is a band that is a glitch, if during Assembly you have seen that detail flew it is unlikely that it will help.
2020-03-04 16:03
I have not collected the dark parts, and the one in the sky is from the coil, but there is, some as if moved by 1 detail.
2020-03-04 22:27
Yeah. This is a monster. CLASS!!! I Personally like that it is not so complicated as it requires a lot of time. these early weeks I collected a little bit. This tournament (in fact, the title of the best player in the category, so nothing to complain about, went to play). In any case continue after each correct stroke. good LUCK to ALL!!!:get_five:
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