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Online-Puzzle «Autumn path»

2020-03-16 00:00:00

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Autumn path

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Rätsel «Autumn in the park» Rätsel «Road to autumn» Rätsel «Golden foliage» Rätsel «Lake Tsuta Numa» Rätsel «Pond» Rätsel «Autumn» Rätsel «Japanese autumn» Rätsel «Autumn is in full swing» Rätsel «K?nigssee» Rätsel «Water» Rätsel «Autumn» Rätsel «Autumn in the city»

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Tverianka Solver Rank
2020-03-16 17:14
Very nice

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Tara Solver Rank
2020-03-17 13:06

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Kbcrf Solver Rank
2020-03-17 15:07
There is in autumn initial
Short but marvelous time —
the Whole day is like crystal,
And radiant in the evening...

cheerful Where the hammer was walking and fell Kolos
Now I empty all space everywhere,
Only web thin hair
Shines on idle in the furrow.

Empties air, the birds can not hear bole,
But far before the first winter storms
And pours clean and warm azure
relax On the field...
Fyodor Tyutchev

Gefällt mir + 4     2
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-03-17 15:36 + 3
Wonderful and Beautiful Poetry ( our Wealth kiss ) THANK you very much for THEM!!!goodkissflowersflowersflowerssolnce
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-17 16:38 + 2
Beautiful poetry!I remember from school.solnceprikolklass
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