Zoologists include more than 230 species of turtles, they are divided into 2 classes, depending on the habitat some live on land,others in the oceans, seas, rivers and swamps. Are found on all continents except Antarctica. Turtles are long-livers live to 150-180 years. Sizes range from 10cm to 2m. (Galapagosy). the main enemies are birds of prey. Grab a turtle, fly up and throw her on the rocks. There is a legend that killed the Greek playwright Aeschylus. The eagle took the bald head for a stone and dropped the tortoise on Aeschylus. In China, love turtles, I believe that they bring home health, wealth and longevity.Thanks to the author for the Yak, it was interesting
Gefällt mir 14 13
2020-07-21 18:50
Holy smoke, I also have a bald head All, without a helmet no longer go!
2020-07-21 19:23
Alle Kommentare anzeigen
2020-07-21 19:34
Now, if I can say "Well, Ezhilam have something in common..."
2020-07-21 19:51
When I turtle on your head will fall, that's when I have a lot in common with Ashila will
2020-07-21 20:49
"the Chinese are very fond of turtles, I believe that they bring to the house of health"
In my opinion, in China like everything that flies, runs, swims and crawls, and most importantly, in China, all know how to cook it
2020-07-21 21:08
We had to wander to an expensive Chinese restaurant. The hunger was. I read the menu: chicken paws (with claws), pig ears, hooves, all the animals (well, that even the dogs eat reluctantly), and for the price of beef and other filet Mignon. After reading we began to feel really sick and we had to leave.
2020-07-21 21:21
"chicken feet"
"pig ears"
Mm, jelly)))
2020-07-21 22:24
Aspic - a culinary masterpiece in comparison with the Chinese menu...
2020-07-22 11:58
Pig ears and prepare us. Not only the restaurants and in the villages, and prepare the peasants-cutters. Do not know the recipe and method of preparation, but it was very tasty
2020-07-22 12:09
@Vovka., I love your work!!! Sorry, I could not resist... been a Long time coming))))))))))))))
2020-07-22 12:38
@LauraMenshikova, Thanks! After Your words, I have "self-importance" right up to heaven soared!
2020-07-23 09:28
In China cooking is not only alive, but also the swallow's nest, though in one province from one cave. Try not recommend our swallows mold nests of mud soaking it with her saliva
2020-07-23 09:45
"наши ласточки лепят гнезда из грязи смачивая её своей слюной"
Китайские ласточки не исключение Саланга́ны (лат. Collocalia) - род птиц из семейства стрижиных. Виды рода населяют Юго-Восточную Азию и острова Океании. Гнездятся на отвесных скалах, но чаще в пещерах на побережье. Представители рода имеют узкие крылья, приспособленные к быстрому полету, и небольшой клюв с зазубринами, приспособленными для охоты на насекомых в полете. Гнезда некоторых видов целиком состоят из застывшей слюны этих птиц и употребляются в пищу под названием "ласточкины гнёзда", будучи известным деликатесом китайской кухни.
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