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Girls, tell me honestly, if you like to solve?

2019-11-26 20:03
Girls, tell me honestly, if you like to solve?

Gefällt mir + 3     9
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-11-26 20:04 + 2
Well, it's not an abstraction. are flowers middle petals and ready.
Memo  2019-11-26 20:05 + 1
Personally, I need just an incredible effort to put all these flowers, and just to make sure everything works as it should.
Memo  2019-11-26 20:06 + 2
Probably have to be born a woman, to have fun :)
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-11-26 20:08 + 3
We got in another tournament rosette was caught ignat
Ioanna  2019-11-26 20:09 + 2
nettaly  2019-11-26 20:25 + 4
Do not play, but your discussion is simply priceless! vverh
Tverianka Solver Rank  2019-11-26 21:34 + 3
these roses still nothing. but in the classic puzzle square direct formswallwallwall
just REQUIRE pliiiiizzzzzz poklonpoklonpoklonremove them from the tournaments. this is the horrortearstears
richik Solver Rank  2019-11-27 05:58 + 3
I don't like, but I think they are the place to be. And the lines/squares too))
to Solve is very simple, check who is faster pokes the mouse, and then a little more complicated
Lena2020  2019-11-27 06:54 + 2
I love roses porukam
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