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Dear players!

lytgh Online 45 Solver Rank
! #394920   2020-02-10 21:09
Dear players!Please tell me,when you perform achieve "Universal solver 2" I figured out in 17 sections of 50 puzzles(some more).When checking the achievement says 99.9 percent.What puzzle have yet to be revealed?

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olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-10 21:15 + 4
Need to be over 50 , looking for where exactly 50.
lytgh 45 Solver Rank  2020-02-10 21:18 + 3
Thanks,I'll try,to the benefit of the implementation there are still almost three days.
Lena2020 48  2020-02-10 21:20 + 3
I check in the "Saved", the filter itself counts if the date specified which is necessary to calculate, it is convenient :)
lytgh 45 Solver Rank  2020-02-10 21:24 + 5
Thank you!Solve one puzzle polyominoes-puzzles and fulfilled achievement.
Lena2020 48  2020-02-10 21:27 + 2
pushinka24 50  2020-02-11 01:48 + 1
I think that the 50 puzzles in each of the 17 sections. I have this achievement already took place. In some sections I had solved more than 50 puzzles, some of exactly 50. Check each section in "My puzzles". You may have a program that is not credited to You. Puzzles solved before you started this achievement is not counted. Check the date of the decision, just in case.
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