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It turned out only with the selection! Don't know who wrote that selection is not being used...
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2018-10-01 23:43
good, solved without matching
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2019-09-24 13:07
Interchange in the Central square. In this naked couple helps to consistently define the last two candidates in the same square.Resolved without selection.
Gefällt mir 0 0
2020-04-15 20:31
Very well, now that the site publishes only those sudokus that have a logical solution. Thank you! And does program the device, based on the uniqueness of the solution?
Gefällt mir 1 1
2020-04-21 17:11
Nothing of the sort! The site contains the same Sudoku that was before, just when you transfer them to a new platform they were regrouped according to other criteria. And decided became much less it was once difficult Sudoku was solved 150-250 times, and now 50-70 times. Something like that...
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