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Registriert: 2019-06-04 17:01
Letzter Login: 2025-03-26 00:15   Rank: 51 20.1%  
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- 1544
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- 1382
smirnovdan Solver Rank
Thanks for the mission!!! However, please note that the Mission drop 1, but the steps 46-53 are drop 2... For the achievement "Drop x1" they are not counted.

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olenenok Solver Rank  2019-12-10 23:04 + 2
When I did the filter it was drop 1 remake of mission impossible , technically impossible.
smirnovdan Solver Rank
! /missions/chaepitie   2019-11-08 12:58
Очень понравилась миссия! Первый этап удалось пройти с нескольких попыток! Этап с ватрушками очень аппетитный... Спасибо!!!

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nettaly  2019-11-08 12:58 + 2
Please :)
There is another mission with the Belarusian puzzles in still life Marcus Rodriguez:
smirnovdan Solver Rank

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MeridaBell  2019-09-09 20:26 + 0
И Вам спасибо!porukam
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