Опять объявили о том что головоломка решена, но я вроде точно уже дня два не решала филипинских. А этож ежедневная!
Несколько цветных штрихов
и початочек готов.
А если с зёрнышка растить,
то придётся погодить.
MGM Mascot, king of the jungle, a constellation giant. Yet mine favorite is what an European king who was affectionately known as having the heart of this creature.
Why these are used for mourning, I shall never understand. For I find them so very beautiful.
I am the bane of any x-mas tree. The lights and mirror finish or tinkling balls attract my paws like a magnate; hanging there and begging for me to free them from their hanging prison. I must bat and roll them across the floor, and hope, this time, that the silly tree does not fall, sounding the alarm and bringing the humans in the house to stop the fun.
Сегодня прочла в инете и это очень подходит для коммента к филиппинцу
Чтобы был плоским живот,надо есть плоскую еду.Пиццу там... Блины... Шоколадки...
Duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn.
I tend to find extra pleasure in completing a puzzle for which is based off of an old tapestry for which was slowly hand stitched together. Not to dissimilar unto the chaining of this type of puzzle. Now as an embroiderer mine self, I know such is not the same, yet there does seem, within mine mind, to be an connection over the crush of time.
Уже много раз вляпываюсь в "Поздравляем, головоломка снова решена!". Но я вроде не решала. Во всяком случае сегодня точно.
True story. As a child, we had a cat that mated with a squirrel, the surviving kitten had the fluffiest tail and would sit on the hind legs and eat with the front paws. Thus we had a marmalade coloured, bushy tailed, cat with attitude.
не может быть такого, у них набор хромосом разный, длительность беременности разная и к семейству разному относятся)))
" " " " "True story" " " " "As a geneticist, I responsibly declare: a natural hybrid of a cat and a squirrel is impossible!
All I know is that this happened twice for us. Two separate cats, years apart. Be such a genetic mutation or what, I know not, but all I know is that yes this did happen. Some where I have an old polaroid of the cat. We named him Sleepy Tiger. Sadly he did not live very long, yet he was a pleasure to be around.
I first appeared in the cartoon Porky's Duck Hunt, which was released on April 17, 1937 as a secondary character. Audiences fell in love with me, and I became a Warner Brothers mascot and a beloved Looney Tunes character.
The Pit Crew; individuals for whom without there would be no race, yet are the most unappreciated contributors to any race. IMHO.
The first of my kind, the Aeolipile, invented by the Greek engineer Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century AD. Hero probably did not expect his invention to inspire a leap in technological advancement a millennium later, involving iron tracks, the travel of passengers, and more freight then one can ever imagine.
Whether the Pudu, the smallest, or the Alces alces, the largest of my kind, most of us are shy creatures, yet tantalize the imagination enough to be featured in movies; such as Bambi and Zolotye roga.
I am an Passer montanus, and I am dressed to impress with mine rich chestnut crown and nape with a black patch on each pure white cheek. Most commonly I can be found within the farms, lightly wooded areas (especially with hedgerows and bushes), villages, parks with ornamental plantings, and reedbeds along lakeshores.
The oldest known, organized, event of the game I love, was held in Quebec Canada in 1875. I am a player in this game that has become the national past time and identity of a lot of Canadians.
Some would speak that this is an perfect enactment of gossiping hens; tattle-tells; or telephone. The choice is up to the viewer.
Whether in the 4th century BC, by mathematician Archytas of Tarentum; in the late 15th century AD, around 1495 by Leonardo da Vinci; or being credited for the actual word, coined by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek; The automaton's have found their way into the human consciousness throughout history. Be such in ancient or modern culture, religious or practical, the idea of something created from our hands working independently and without aid, is slowly becoming a reality; though many fear that they will rise up and take over humanity.