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Registriert: 2016-01-07 15:34
Letzter Login: 2025-03-25 10:06   Rank: 68 33.4%  
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el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/sneg_vpazlah   2022-01-02 17:09
Спасио за миссию!christmas-treefeerichno

Gefällt mir + 2     1
olenenok Solver Rank  2022-01-02 17:09 + 2
Пожалуйста big-rose
el-el Solver Rank
! /fragment/id103793   2021-06-03 14:03
этот пазлл тоже не открывается...

Gefällt mir + 1     1
olenenok Solver Rank  2021-06-03 14:03 + 4
А я писала @Support о проблемах в Угадай фрагмент, вроде проверяли и сказали что все работает. , могу посоветовать кидать ссылки на форум что ли.
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/zbigniew_kopania   2021-03-17 17:55
Обожаю пионы!Спасибо за прекрасную миссию!rosehaha

Gefällt mir + 2     1
nettaly  2021-03-17 17:55 + 2
Пожалуйста :)
А как вы смотрите на брауни?
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/krasnie_maki_10h   2021-03-07 23:39
Thanks for the mission!beautiful collection,comfortable time-just enjoy!klasstanec2skripka

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2021-03-07 23:39 + 2
Пожалуйста :)
Приглашаю в виртуальную экскурсию по Словении + рассказ о поэте:
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/aleksandr_averin_10h   2021-03-07 15:14

Gefällt mir + 2     1
nettaly  2021-03-07 15:14 + 3
Пожалуйста :)
Нежное - это ещё и про печенько можно сказать:
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/prostokvashino   2021-02-09 19:14

Gefällt mir + 1     1
nettaly  2021-02-09 19:14 + 0
Пожалуйста :)
В этой миссии не отдыхали?
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/kokos   2021-01-14 23:29
Very colorful,tasty mission!Thank you!flowersthankyoumusic

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2021-01-14 23:29 + 2
Спасибо за отзыв :)
Миссию с дропом 9 поборете? :)

el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/susan_wheeler   2021-01-13 12:58
Thank you!Surprisingly easy going puzzles,a selection -enjoy!party

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2021-01-13 12:58 + 2
Пожалуйста :)
А натюрморты с дропом 6 как соберёте? ;)
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/tony_ryan   2020-09-28 13:29
Such a cozy picture...Thanks for the mission!solncesolncesolncesolncesolnce

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2020-09-28 13:29 + 1
Thank you for your feedback
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/aleksandr_hodyukov   2020-08-31 10:31
Thank you for the amazing mission!Like what was going on blots...and the result-lovely flowers,or the sea!flyhandsflows

Gefällt mir + 4     1
nettaly  2020-08-31 10:31 + 1
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/fakti_o_svinyah   2020-06-18 10:53
What an interesting mission!And informative!Thank you!sharipont

Gefällt mir + 5     1
nettaly  2020-06-18 10:53 + 1
Thank you for the feedback :)
Another educational mission architecture:
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/ohota_na_enota   2020-06-08 22:52
As always,gorgeous!

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2020-06-08 22:52 + 1
Thanks for the feedback :)
Invited on a mission polyominoes:
el-el Solver Rank
Thank you!skripkaflowers

Gefällt mir + 1     1
nettaly  2020-05-03 16:23 + 1
Please :)
Invited to a new mission on the same castle tag
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/alstromeriya   2020-04-18 19:09
Extraordinary flowers!Just fun to collect these puzzles!

" According to ancient Indian legend, the flowers and lit on earth, the great God of the Sun.
the Flower was enchanted, and magical.The Incas believed that the Peruvian Lily can help in a difficult situation to escape from enemies, to become invisible, to turn a man into a beast or a bird."(from the Internet)flows

Gefällt mir + 5     1
nettaly  2020-04-18 19:09 + 1
Illustrated thank you for the comment :)
Maybe the flower and turned someone into a representative fauna, but we did not know - they are not able to talk :)
Invited to pick a flower tag
el-el Solver Rank
Interesting collection,thanks for the mission!

the sixteenth-elephant-pink
"We saw only the pink elephants in Disney's cartoons. However, Tim Jansen van Voeren, warden of the Kruger national Park in South Africa, demonstrated that they exist, filmed unique pink elephant, differing sharply in color from its grey relatives, according"

Gefällt mir + 2     1
nettaly  2020-04-16 23:56 + 1
Thank you for the feedback :)
Thanks for an illustrated review - it is interesting to look at the wonder!
Invite him to the picnic (combined mission)
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/ribolovstvo_13h   2020-04-15 23:23
Thanks to you,nettaly,husband ,finally got a "professional"holiday!Thanks for the mission!
And,in gratitude anecdote

Gefällt mir + 4     1
nettaly  2020-04-15 23:23 + 2
As they say, "If yesterday was so good - why is today so bad..." )))
Thank you for your illustrated review and are invited to a picnic

el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/najdi_otlichiya_easy   2020-04-15 15:34
Thanks for the mission!!!

Gefällt mir + 3     1
Kyiv  2020-04-15 15:34 + 2
Thank you for the commentflowers
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/belarus_10h   2020-04-15 13:57
How much work invested in it!Thank you for the pleasure!
Well,my youth went with this ensemble

the Belarusian vocal-instrumental ensemble "Wang Chung"(first part

Gefällt mir + 4     1
nettaly  2020-04-15 13:57 + 1
Thanks for the feedback :)
I'm Very glad that you liked it!
Thank you for your illustrated review :)
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/pazlis_sirom   2020-04-13 22:04
Thank you for a variety of puzzles!

Gefällt mir + 2     1
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-04-13 22:04 + 1
Please cvety
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/derevya_10h   2020-04-11 22:32
Thank you,very much!:get_five:

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2020-04-11 22:32 + 1
Thank you for the feedback :)
Floral tag collected?
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/polyot_v_kosmos_10h   2020-04-11 22:30
Interesting comments,colorful puzzles! Thank you!
Judging by the "gogolevskoy" of information -it is already possible to fly as tourists(when the quarantine will end)

Gefällt mir + 2     1
nettaly  2020-04-11 22:30 + 2
Thank you for the feedback :)
While flying on hot air balloons in new mission :)
el-el Solver Rank
A stunning selection of landscapes and poems!Thank you !!!!!!!!!
the Path in the tale

Gefällt mir + 3     1
_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-03-31 21:37 + 3
thanks for the pathrosekopen
el-el Solver Rank
Thanks for the mission!Congratulations to the pioneer!

Gefällt mir + 3     1
B8831388  2020-03-28 20:16 + 2
Thank you!
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/polyoti_samolyotov   2020-03-28 17:03
Very interesting!Thank you!

Gefällt mir + 6     2
nettaly  2020-03-28 00:58 + 2
Thank you for the bright, illustrated review :)
New mission on wine and food have gone?
el-el Solver Rank  2020-03-28 17:03 + 2
Have not crawled...And the view is just amazing!Wine and SIRRRR!skripka
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/fabrizio_caforio   2020-03-27 19:30
Thank you for the pleasure!solnce

Gefällt mir + 3     1
nettaly  2020-03-27 19:30 + 2
Please :)
After completing the mission you need to rest ;)
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/plyumeriya   2020-03-21 17:26
Thank you!Great selection!
And You flower gift

Gefällt mir + 5     3
nettaly  2020-03-21 16:17 + 2
Thank you for the feedback :)
Your beauty?
el-el Solver Rank  2020-03-21 17:11 + 3
Yes,my.Like the family amaryllidaceae...well, sho has grown,and
nettaly  2020-03-21 17:26 + 2
Rose seriously :)
Direct illustration of the story of Hg wells, the Hg wells "the extraordinary Flowering of orchids" (The Flowering of the Strange Orchid, 1894; also the name translated as: Extraordinary Orchid; Orchid; Strange Orchid; Flowering of the strange Orchid; the Flowering of the strange Orchid).
el-el Solver Rank
! /missions/gavaji_13h   2020-03-21 00:15
Thanks for the trip!
In gratitude-"Blue Hawaii"

Gefällt mir + 5     1
nettaly  2020-03-21 00:15 + 3
Wonderful Acelino! Just what you need for the evening :)
el-el Solver Rank
However...stage 4 was not easy...But gave up after all!Thanks for the interesting mission!

Gefällt mir + 8     1
nettaly  2020-03-20 13:08 + 4
Thank you for such a lovely review :)
by the Way, on the public "Collect anime puzzle" there is a puzzle with a similar pattern:
el-el Solver Rank
The Owl...Sowisa!!!!vverh

Gefällt mir + 3     3
nettaly  2020-03-20 00:00 + 4
el-el Solver Rank  2020-03-20 00:17 + 2
"Kulturowa" the owl...and the New year smell...!fly
nettaly  2020-03-20 00:24 + 2
We may, and whiff - a weekend promised cold and even snow! (O_o)
el-el Solver Rank
Thanks for the trip!Informative and the pictures very nice!

here I found on Google rarityflows

Gefällt mir + 8     5
nettaly  2020-03-18 13:56 + 5
Thank you for the informative review :)
Yes, I will respond to you the fate of the gifts!

SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-03-18 15:36 + 5
Razmerchik Owls are impressive!druganlupaklass where there Oleshky to it!baa
Thank you for the Fabulous Beauty!!!goodkissflowersflowersflowerssolnce
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