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2023 GrandGames Championship

GrandGames Admin
! #600033   2023-10-28 09:59
The qualifying stage of the 2023 GrandGames Championship tournament has ended. 8 players who scored the most points , which could be obtained in Epic tournaments throughout the year, advanced to the play-offs:


Total points:


Players starting position


All matches except the final will be played as follows. Players play until 5 wins with a minimum margin of two points.
Each opponent chooses any 6 types of puzzles from 7 categories:

And also any duration 2-5, 5-10 or 10-20. In one category, one player cannot choose more than 1 type of puzzle.
The couple independently agrees with each other on any time for the match and informs about the selected time, list, order and duration of the puzzles created by a post with the hashtag #champ2023 After the duel, the final score is written in the comments. You can start today at least.

Players arrange duels one by one. The first impression represents a more general tournament ranking. If no common puzzle is available during the duel, the game will take place in the next round. If the rounds are over and none of the players have won, choose a random puzzle for 2-5 minutes and play until we achieve an advantage of two points.

We will inform you separately about how the final will go. If this post gets 30 likes, we will try to organize an online broadcast like last year. If desired, tournament participants can organize a broadcast of their game on any available platform, such as Twitch, YouTube, etc.

#champ2023 #sitenews

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NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2023-10-28 10:18 + 7
GrandGames Admin  2023-10-28 12:25 + 4

Let me explain. For example, P1 and P2 agree.
P1 writes (new post).

Agreed 30.10 at 11:00 UTC+3

1.Mahjong 5-10
2. Chinese crosswords 10-20
3. Spider Solitaire 4 suits 10-20
4. Belpuzzles with numbers 2-5
.... etc.

P2 accordingly answers:

I confirm. My puzzles:
1. Sudoku killer 5-10
2. Mahjong 2-5
3. Solitaire simplified Scorpio 5-10
4. Polyomino tetromino 5-10

and so on.

When creating duels, do not forget to remove the filter by ELO rating
Blbbzk Solver Rank  2023-10-28 13:24 + 9
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-10-28 19:50 + 6
Поздравляю всех прошедших solnce Удачи в турнире :)
t98743235 Solver Rank  2023-10-28 21:43 + 7
Поздравляю всех прошедших отборочный этап big-rose
mvt222 Solver Rank  2023-10-29 20:03 + 5
А какой срок крайний для 1/4 ??? @GrandGames ?
GrandGames Admin  2023-10-30 11:29 + 4
Желательно до 11 ноября сыграть все матчи, кроме финала. В период с 11 по 20 планируются технические работы, есть вероятность, что раздел дуэлей и турниров будет периодически кратковременно отключаться.
milutin03 Solver Rank  2023-11-11 00:00 + 6
I would like to pass my right to play to next player on the list, i.e, 9th one.
I become grand father couple of weeks ago, and I am in some other project now.
As You can see, I even not play weekly and epic tournaments because of that. I have not free time, temporarily, to prepaire myself to do well in this play offs.
I hope that @Percy will be adequate replacement.

I wish You all good luck in realy hard quest to dethrone @Meduzia.
mvt222 Solver Rank  2023-11-11 00:11 + 3
@milutin03 Congratulations on a wonderful event! A private decision on refusal. I hope you will come back to us again! Good luck!!!
mvt222 Solver Rank  2023-11-11 00:12 + 3
При отказе игроков от участия в плей-офф предлагаю дать возможность сыграть следующим по списку игрокам, у которых есть желание. На данный момент есть 2 вакансии. @GrandGames ?
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-11-11 00:31 + 2
"I become grand father"

@milutin03 that's wonderful! Congratulations!
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2023-11-11 01:42 + 3
@milutin03 Congratulations on a wonderful event! congratulations
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